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                                                   ToothPick Bridge Project Reflection:


                 In math class, we do a lot of projects ,but I think one of the most memorable ones was the toothpick bridge. We had to bulid a bridge out of toothpicks and make it stable. My team was Bekah and Bre. I gotta say that we all did the work evenly. They all helped with the layout and the buliding. We first had to choose what kind of bridge we wanted and how we wanted to look like. Then after we sketched the design out. How it was going to look like from the sides and from above. We then began to glue our toothpicks together. It came together slowly ,but surely.


       During, this project I learned how to bulid a bridge out of toothpicks(oviously). Also, how to work with classmates that never got to work with before. And how to use a layotut before the bulding begins. I would say I wish the next grades would be able to see the bridge ,but when we saw how much it could hold it was torn in two. Just like everyone else's. Some held up more weight and other just broke completely. At first it was hard to get all the toothpicks together ,but after a day or two we got the hang of it.



     In conclusion,  I had a lot of fun working on this project. I alos felt like it turned out really well at the end of the project.  Too bad it was broken into smaller toothpicks. I have learned quite a few things during that project. Like how there are many types of bridges for different reasons.









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